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A car battery provides the power needed to start your vehicle. It is a vital, mechanical component often overlooked. Batteries can fail without warning. There are steps that you can take to evaluate problems and restart your battery. For batteries to provide optimum performance, regular maintenance is necessary.
When Starting Your Vehicle
A dying car battery causes problems with your car starting, especially after the car sits for a few hours. If your car struggles to turn over, but then the engine starts up without a problem, the battery is likely the cause. If the battery has an extremely low charge, you may hear a clicking noise when you try to start up the engine, but the car will not start.
Look at Your Lights
Dimming headlights can indicate a dying battery. If you suspect your car battery is dying, you can test using the headlights. You will need two people for the test—one person starts up the car, while the other person stands some distance in front of the car. This test works best when it is dark outside. Turn on the car’s headlights while the other person checks how bright they are, and then turn on the car. If the headlights fade while the car is being started or just after it has started, the battery is dying and needs to be serviced or replaced.
Stop by any Jack Furrier Tire & Auto Care Center and we will check your battery for FREE!
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